SWANK Motion Pictures, Inc.

Easy, Safe & Legal Movie

Access for K-12 Schools

Swank provides comprehensive movie and licensing solutions for K-12 schools. Featuring over

40,000 movies and documentaries, our streaming library was specifically built to help schools

and educators avoid the hassle of managing DVD equipment and blocked personal streaming

sites. Use it for day-to-day instruction and curriculum support. And secure 24/7 copyright

licensing to show movies for any reason, both inside and outside your school.

Benefits of SWANK K-12 Streaming:

  • Access to 40,0000 feature films and documentaries
  • Use in the classroom or assign for homework
  • Removes the hassle of DVD equipment or blocked personal streaming accounts
  • Comprehensive copyright protection for movie showings at your school
  • Public Performance Site License

SWANK’s offering for ACTEM member districts will include the following:

  • SWANK Streaming Service with unlimited title requests
  • Districts/Schools will each have their own portal to manage their SWANK subscription
  • The SWANK Subscription Collection will be teacher access only and include assignability and bookmark features.
  • Pricing for schools and districts will offer a 30% discount over SWANK’s MSRP pricing.
  • The ACTEM Consortia Term for SWANK licensing will be Aug. 1st through July 31st annually.
  • Existing SWANK customers can be transitioned to the new ACTEM term dates
  • SWANK will work with existing customers to prorate cost during the initial transition year to the new ACTEM term year.

Pricing for Schools based on size of enrollment:

Individual School Enrollment SWANK MSRP Pricing ACTEM Consortia Pricing 
 Under 300 $1,500$1050.00 
 300 - 500 $1725$1207.50 
 500 - 800 $2070$1449.00 
 800 - 1000 $2415$1690.50 
 1000 - 1250 $ 2760$1932.00 
 1250 - 1500 $3278$2294.25 
 1500 - 1750 $3795$2656.50 

Pricing for Districts is also based on size of enrollment.  Contact the ACTEM office for district quotes -- director@actem.org

Contact SWANK if you would like a demo of the streaming platform -- tkrueger@swankmp.com


Association of Computer Technology Educators of Maine

P.O. Box 187, Gorham, ME 04038

Phone: (207) 222-4353  Fax: (207) 222-2057  Email: info@actem.org