The ACTEM listserv has been established as a mechanism for information exchange and problem resolution for use by those interested in enhancing and influencing education though the use of technology in Maine schools. It is intended to provide a statewide forum for the discussion of all matters relating to the educational technology in Maine consistent with ACTEM’s mission and vision.
The ACTEM listserv is a great way for individuals in the field of educational technology to stay abreast of the latest happenings in this new and exciting frontier. You will receive updated information on new technology initiatives occurring at both the state and local level. Additionally, your subscription will allow you to share ideas and access a pool of knowledge that would otherwise be difficult to obtain, join today!
Policy Statement
ACTEM listserv subscription is reserved for current members and those who are interested in education and technology in Maine. ACTEM’s listserv is not moderated and messages are not approved before posting.
Postings may include:
- Questions and discussion items
- ACTEM announcements
- Technology position vacancies
- Professional development opportunities
- Items that can be considered "public service" in nature to the listserv. Be considerate of ACTEM’s audience.
ACTEM is a non-profit, professional organization therefore listserv postings that promote or advertise goods or services are not allowed.
Listserv Guidelines
- Netiquette must always be observed.
- ACTEM’s listserv is not a forum for arguments or off-topic discussions. Take arguments and personal discussion to private exchange.
- The subject line of your post to the listserv should reflect the content of your message.
- Flaming, spamming and other inconsiderate behavior will not be tolerated. Inconsiderate participants will be unsubscribed from the listserv.
- Sign your name and institution at the end of your message.
- Use of the list for illegal activities is strictly prohibited.
- Send all administrative inquiries/requests (i.e. subscription status, delivery issues, etc.) to the current ACTEM Business Manager.
- Do not post subscription change requests, etc. to the listserv.
- If you have questions regarding the listserv and/or the proper use of the listserv, please contact the current ACTEM President. The ACTEM Executive Board will take issues not addressed within this policy under consideration.
- By subscribing to the listserv you are confirming that you have read and agree to the terms of ACTEM’s listserv policy statement and guidelines.
- Participants that violate ACTEM’s listserv policy and guidelines may be unsubscribed from the list.

By subscribing to the ACTEM listserv you are confirming that you have read and agree to the terms of our listserv policy and guidelines.

How To Subscribe to the ACTEM List
To subscribe to the ACTEM listserv...
- Send a message to: listserv@lists.maine.edu
- In the text of the message enter the following: subscribe actemlist first last (where "first last" is his/her real name).
- Don't put anything else in the body of the message - just that one line.
- A confirmation message will come back to that user's e-mail address requesting that he/she reply to confirm the subscription.
- Follow the instructions in the email message.
- Listserv will send an email message saying that the person is subscribed.
- Finally, listserv will send a third message, explaining how to unsubscribe.
To unsubscribe to the ACTEM listserv...
You may also go to http://lists.maine.edu to control your account on the ACTEMlist.
Once you've successfully joined the ACTEMlist, you can control your account to do things like change your email address or unsubscribe from the list.