SeeSaw for Schools Purchasing Consortia 2023-24
Seesaw For Schools
Purchasing Consortia 2025-26
ACTEM • Vita-Learns • NHSTE
ACTEM is pleased to continue its partnership with Vermont & New Hampshire again in 2025-26 for the Seesaw Licensing Consortia.
The consortia enables us to increase the total number of licenses purchased so we are able to save money for all schools/districts.
Seesaw for Schools is a simple way for teachers and students to record and share what’s happening in the classroom. It includes learning journals, portfolios tools, parent communication tools, and more.
Learn more about Seesaw for Schools and Remote Learning. Seesaw For Schools Brochure Additional information about Seesaw For Schools Case Studies
Seesaw orders will be managed by Vita-Learn. Schools must complete the online ordering form that includes an upload of your Purchase Order. All orders must be completed using the online ordering form on the Vita-Learn web site. Please do not submit orders via email or directly to Seesaw. Vita-Learn aggregates all orders into a single order with Seesaw in order to allow all consortia members to qualify for volume pricing tiers otherwise unavailable to districts in VT, NH, ME, and RI.
For the 2025-26 school year, all schools and districts will be upgraded to Seesaw Instruction and Insights! The consortia’s aggregated volume for Seesaw licensing is large enough to qualify for one of Seesaw’s highest volume tiers. The standard price for K12 schools $11.95/student. Vita-Learn’s consortia price is $7.50/student.
Discounted three-year pricing is $7.00/student, invoiced annually in August.
If enough Vita-Learn schools and districts commit by June 30, 2025 to reach 37,500 or more licenses, the price for all schools will decrease.
New for the 2025-26 school year, there is no minimum order for Vita-Learn partners.
ACTEM Schools & Districts