
Imagine every classroom buzzing with students collaborating, thinking creatively and demonstrating their learning… all while having fun! WeVideo is the complete digital creation platform for today’s learners built with classroom, school and district-wide use in mind.  WeVideo for Schools works on any device and includes project templates, collaboration tools, a built-in media library with licensed and royalty-free images, video & audio clips, and secure access and storage in the cloud. WeVideo offers a discount rate for schools in the consortium who wish to purchase licenses for students and educators. Save up to 52% off the retail price when purchasing through Vita-Learn.

Creative Tools That Teachers And Students Love:

Create with ease
WeVideo’s interface makes it easy for teachers and students to get started creating. And creation extends to any and all kinds of videos, slideshows, newscasts, GIF making, animation and more.

Royalty-free stock media library
Unlimited use of WeVideo Essentials™, a curated library of over 1 million stock video, image and audio files.

Record your screen and webcam
Create tutorials, video journals, and more.

Easily create podcasts
Students can go beyond video with voiceover and export audio-only files.

Use green screen
Take videos anywhere in the world (and space!) with this special effect.

Real-Time Collaboration
Students can create and edit videos, podcasts, slideshows and more together.

Features Schools And Districts Trust And Value:

Works with all devices
Compatible with Chromebooks, Apple, Windows and mobile devices (Android and iOS).

COPPA/FERPA compliant
WeVideo ensures a safe cloud environment for student content and collaboration.

No software to install or maintain
Everything is created, shared and stored on the WeVideo cloud.

Implementation support and PD workshops
Flexible professional development options to suit every educator.

User management
Robust controls and detailed settings for managing the account and its members.

Accessible through LMS
Projects can be exported to Google Classroom, Schoology, Canvas and ClassLink.


For the 2025-26 school year, all schools and districts will be upgraded

to Seesaw Instruction and Insights at $7.50 per license. There is no minimum

license number required for the 2025-26 school year. There is also the option to

lock in a 3-year commitment price at $7.00 per license. This pricing does require a 3-

year commitment which would be billed annually.

Opt-in Period: Eligible institutions (as determined by Vita-Learn, ACTEM, NHSTE, and RI-ISTE—see FAQ below) can opt into the consortium on any date between May 1, 2023 and December 31, 2024 (“Opt-in Period”). Access is valid for up to 16 months – from your date of purchase (on or after May 1, 2024) until August 31, 2025.

Order Deadline

Orders may be placed anytime between May 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024. All orders are for the September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025 subscription period, regardless of order date. While we will work as quickly as possible to implement new licenses and process renewals as orders are placed, we recommend that orders are placed prior to August 15, 2023 to ensure that your access is ready for use by September 1

Invoices will be issued at the time orders are placed, and payment will be due on July 31, 2024 or 30 days later, whichever is later.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Vermont: Vita-Learn Member institutions and Vermont higher education institutions. For more information about Vita-Learn Institutional Membership, please see the Vita-Learn Member page.
  2. Maine: ACTEM Member institutions and Maine schools in accordance with the policies and practices of ACTEM.
  3. New Hampshire: NHSTE Member institutions and New Hampshite schools in accordance with the policies and practices of NHSTE.
  4. Rhode Island: RI-ISTE Member institutions and Rhode Island schools in accordance with the policies and practices of RI-ISTE.

Yes, a 30-license order is required to maintain a subscription with WeVideo. If you are augmenting an existing pool, additional orders may be made in increments as small as 20 additional licenses. At each annual renewal period, you may change your license count to any number provided it still meets the 30 license minimum.

Yes. For Vita-Learn and RI-ISTE institutions, you can generate a quote here. For Maine (ACTEM) schools, please contact Gary Lanoie, glanoie@actem.org. For New Hampshire (NHSTE) schools, please contact Cyndy Currier, ccurrier@mac.com.

For Purchases from Vita-Learn districts/schools and RI-ISTE, Purchase Orders should be made out to:

VITA-Learn34 Blair Park Road • STE 104 PMB 323Williston, VT 05495

Vita-Learn and RI-ISTE districts that require a quote, you can generate one here. You need to modify the yellow cells. Print the quote to generate a PDF.

Download a W-9 for your business office. Invoices for Vita-Learn and RI-ISTE districts will be issued by Vita-Learn, payable to Vita-Learn.

For purchases from ACTEM districts/schools, Purchase Orders should be made out to:

ACTEM • P.O. Box 187 • Gorham, ME 04038

ACTEM districts that require a quote, please contact Gary Lanoie, glanoie@actem.org. Invoices for ACTEM districts will be issued by ACTEM, payable to ACTEM.

For purchases from NHSTE members and/or any NH schools, Purchase Orders should be made out to:

NHSTE • PO Box 358 • Georges Mills, NH 03751

NHSTE /NH schools that require a quote, please contact Cyndy Currier, ccurrier@mac.com. Invoices for NHSTE purchases will be issued by NHSTE, payable to NHSTE.

Invoices will be due July 31, 2023 or 30 days after the invoice date, whichever is later. This allows schools to make payments in the 2022-2023 fiscal year or in the 2023-2024 fiscal year (or both).

Please complete the same purchasing form below. You are not required to maintain the same number of seats as last year. As a renewing customer, you get access for the entire consortium term: 9/1/23-8/31/24.

Yes. The minimum number of seats you can add each time is 20. The price per seat is $4.50. Since the price is already discounted, no pro-rated costs or additional discounts are available for adding seats midway through the term.

The opt-in period is between May 1, 2023, and December 31, 2024. You can join at any point during that period. In all cases, your subscription will extend until August 31, 2023, and you will be invoiced for the full amount. As such, the earlier you join the longer you will have WeVideo access. The negotiated consortium rate is extremely discounted, necessitating that all renewals be due on the same date for the entire state. Renewals and new orders submitted after August 15, 2023 may see a brief lapse in access as it may take longer to process orders at the start of the school year. Please submit your orders earlier rather than later!

The consortium opt-in period for the 2023-2024 term will be closed effective on Jan. 1, 2024. At that stage, you will have a choice: purchase seats at the full, non-discounted rate or wait for the following year’s opt-in period to open in May. (WeVideo offers no guarantee that the Vita-Learn consortium will be extended for another term past Aug. 31, 2024.)

Schools that have existing subscriptions that were not purchased a part of the Vita-Learn consortia may join the consortia. Depending on when your current subscription ends, there may be some credit from the unused subscription that can be applied toward the new Vita-Learn consortia purchase. The order form will ask you for the necessary information, and we will work with WeVideo and your school to provide you the best available pricing.


Association of Computer Technology Educators of Maine

P.O. Box 187, Gorham, ME 04038

Phone: (207) 222-4353  Fax: (207) 222-2057  Email: info@actem.org