ACTEM 2022
Spring Leadership Conference
May 3, 2022 • Holiday Inn by the Bay, Portland, ME
Supporting Learning Through Technology
ACTEM is excited to return to an in-person event for the 2022 Spring Leadership Conference. Our concern for your health and safety is our top priority, and we want to make your experience at the conference both positive and safe in these COVID times.
ACTEM is implementing the following Duty of Care Guidelines that we hope will make you and your colleagues comfortable and safe. These guidelines are subject to change depending on current Covid recommendations from the city of Portland and the Maine CDC at the time of our conference.
ACTEM will be contracting with VaccineCheck to collect sensitive medical data from our attendees and exhibitor representatives in a secure HIPAA-compliant system. More information will be coming soon about this system.
The 2022 Spring Leadership Conference theme will provide topics for technology leadership and school technology staff as they continue to Support Learning Through Technology. Come join us as we get back together for an in-person 2022 Spring Leadership Conference!
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Marc Milstein Insights into Avoiding Burnout and Boosting Happiness Dr. Milstein specializes in taking the leading scientific research on health and happiness and presents it in a way that entertains, educates, and empowers his audience to live better. His keynote topic - "New Insights into Avoiding Burnout and Boosting Happiness" should be interesting and timely as technology staff strive to provide services to their educational community in these Covid times. His presentations provide science-based solutions to keep the brain healthy, lower the risk of dementia, boost productivity and maximize longevity. He earned both his Ph.D. in Biological Chemistry and his Bachelor of Science in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology from UCLA.
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Marc Milstein
Insights into Avoiding Burnout and Boosting Happiness
Dr. Milstein specializes in taking the leading scientific research on health and happiness and presents it in a way that entertains, educates, and empowers his audience to live better. His keynote topic - "New Insights into Avoiding Burnout and Boosting Happiness" should be interesting and timely as technology staff strive to provide services to their educational community in these Covid times.
His presentations provide science-based solutions to keep the brain healthy, lower the risk of dementia, boost productivity and maximize longevity. He earned both his Ph.D. in Biological Chemistry and his Bachelor of Science in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology from UCLA.
Registration only $60 for ACTEM Members
[$80 for non-members]
Registration includes continental breakfast, lunch and parking!
Workshops: Workshops topics will be centered around our theme to Support Learning Through Technology. A listing of workshops will be posted at as more information becomes available.
Workshops topics will be centered around our theme to Support Learning Through Technology. A listing of workshops will be posted at as more information becomes available.
Association of Computer Technology Educators of Maine
P.O. Box 187, Gorham, ME 04038
Phone: (207) 222-4353 Fax: (207) 222-2057 Email: